About Us

Global News is an independent portal in the English and Albanian language, which was founded at the end of 2022. This portal contains a variety of topics from all possible categories and with an attractive design for users.

Today, Global News is one of the leading portal for the most breaking news, as well as the dominant website in regional countries. So, this portal maintains its independence and the trusted name it has created among its readers.

Global News has set standards for the development of portals and other websites, where it has influenced the updating of existing sites, while its success has encouraged many other portals to undertake similar projects. Knowing the importance of advertising in a market where competition is always increasing and profits are decreasing, those companies that have vision, strategy, communication and marketing will certainly survive.

In this area Global News compared to traditional media offers revolutionary products that have never existed before. Over the years, Global News has changed its design as a whole, offering a new and more attractive approach to receiving information for users.